
Dhyana Osmania Ashram

Meditation Training

In today’s world, we all live a stressful, restless life mechanically. So suffering from mental and physical ailments , the path of meditation offered by Indian yogis is the only solution for perfect physical mental health and successful blissful life. In our ashram By setting up a meditation center and providing free meditation training, everyone can attain perfect health. By practicing meditation daily , you can stay calm in any situation and improve your relationships.

Pyramid Meditation Centre

The Pyramid is a magnificent structure that can hold the greatest amount of cosmic life force on Earth. It is built with the dimensions of [ 52°51’52”] and can retain a large amount of Cosmic Prana Shakti. By sitting in a pyramid meditation, we get 3 times more Cosmic Shakti and by meditating in a Pyramid, the mind reaches a state of emptiness without talking. Meditation in a Pyramid is good. Immunity increases and diseases are cured quickly , mental calmness and clairvoyance are stimulated.Students who meditate in the pyramid increase their self-confidence and can remember everything they read carefully without being under the pressure of exams

Computer Lab

Since the IT revolution, the use of computer is mandatory for everyone , latest computer courses are offered to rural youth around the ashram in courses like [ photoshop , video editing, DTP, Digital Marketing, Artificial Intelligence] . Free by experts Training is provided and self employment is encouraged.

Science Lab

In order to make rural students interested in science, a science lab has been set up and school students can do practicals here, so creativity will be brought out in rural students. Thus, many students will be able to share in the development of the country by doing scientific research and making new discoveries from an early age. Google

Research and Development

A research and development wing has been set up in our ashram and many institutes and universities have conducted research on meditation and spiritual science in the world and scientifically proved that meditation and spiritual science is the only solution to solve all the problems of today’s human beings. The results of these researches will be translated and practiced in regional languages and extensive research on the Law of Attraction, karma theory , reincarnation theory , hypnotism, power of subconscious mind, thought power etc. in spiritual science will be done and the research results will be made available to everyone.

Spiritual Science Education Academy

In India in the past, spiritual science was given a lot of importance in education, and meditation and spiritual science were taught along with vocational education in Gurukul. The reason for today’s chaotic situation is that meditation and spiritual science are not taught in today’s modern education system. Therefore courses on different aspects of meditation and spiritual science e.g.: thought power, mind power, law of attraction, law of karma, gratitude, re-incarnation, body mind relation]…….. short term and long term courses Holistic education system is developed by imparting training . So that the future generations as well as the present generation can get a full understanding of life and lead a happy life.

Rural Development

In India, villages are important and only when the rural development is done, our country will progress on the path of development. In the villages, especially the farmers are trained in organic farming in scientific methods. And organized awareness seminars on education , health and medicine Self sufficiency is done through training by experts.


Cows are worshiped as gods in India , a farmer can cultivate 30 acres of land organically with the help of one cow , in our ashram we set up goshas and protect cows and train farmers on how to do organic farming.

Training in Art’s

In today’s education system, there is a great need to integrate many aspects like music , arts , dance and painting. Complete development of human mind cannot happen only in vocational education. So students are trained in arts along with this vocational education and traditional education So in our ashram we are experts in music , dance , painting and other musical instruments Free training is provided by

Ashram Highlights

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