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About Dhyana Osmania

The purpose of the PROJECT is to inspire the whole Osmania University into becoming a HOLISTIC University. Every student of Osmania University should become a master of meditation. Every professor, every lecturer should become a master of meditation. All the administrative staff personnel should become masters of meditation.

There should be special meditation rooms everywhere in the University. And, for whole of the University, there should be Mega Pyramid Meditation Center so that group meditations can be organized every week for all the students and staff. And, attached to the Mega Pyramid, there should be a comprehensive New Age Spiritual Science Library!

Spiritual Science is the Basic Science for sharpening our worldly intelligence and to increase our common-sense faculties. And, MEDITATION science is the core part of the Spiritual Science.

Daily practice of MEDITATION is absolutely essential for each and every person. MEDITATION enables everyone to access higher spiritual energies and higher spiritual perspectives… and to be able to easily handle all day-to-day mundane problems.

I have been a student of Osmania University during the years 1963 to 1966.For six months; I was a student of M.A. Eng. Literature in the Main Arts College. Osmania University is so very dear to me. It is my and the whole of PSSM’s earnest desire that Osmania University should as an unparalleled model for Holistic Personality Development of student community.

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Dhyana Osmania Foundation Guru pournima 20,21st Details 1)Trekking into fore

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